Amazon and barcodes

What is Amazon Fulfillment?

Amazon Fulfillment is a service offered by Amazon to help merchants and sellers store, pack, and ship their products. With Amazon Fulfillment, sellers can store their products in one of the many Amazon warehouses, and Amazon takes care of the rest of the process. When a customer places an order, the product is packed and shipped by Amazon. Amazon also handles customer service and returns on behalf of the seller.

Amazon Fulfillment offers many benefits to sellers, including greater reach, higher customer satisfaction, faster deliveries, and better storage of their products. Additionally, Amazon Fulfillment allows sellers to focus their time and resources on other aspects of their business, as Amazon takes care of the logistics.

What barcodes are required for Amazon Fulfillment items?

For selling on Amazon and using Amazon Fulfillment, it is required that each product has a standard product barcode. The two most common barcodes for commerce are the UPC (Universal Product Code) and the EAN (European Article Number). These barcodes are used by most manufacturers for their products and can be found on almost all products sold in retail.

If a seller wants to store and ship their products using Amazon Fulfillment, the products must be labeled with one of these two barcodes so that Amazon can recognize and process them. If a product does not have a barcode, the seller can purchase a UPC or EAN barcode and attach it to the product.

In addition to the standard barcodes, sellers can also create FNSKU (Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit) barcodes for their products, which are specifically designed for use with Amazon Fulfillment. FNSKU barcodes are used to identify products stored and shipped by Amazon. If a seller chooses to use FNSKU barcodes, they must be attached to each individual product.

How is an FNSKU barcode generated?

An FNSKU (Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit) barcode is generated by Amazon and is a unique barcode that identifies a product stored and shipped by Amazon Fulfillment. FNSKU barcodes are automatically created by Amazon when a seller lists their product on Amazon and sends inventory to an Amazon warehouse.

To ensure that the product is labeled with the correct FNSKU barcode, the seller must list the product correctly on Amazon and request the barcode as part of the listing process. Once the product is listed on Amazon, the seller can download the barcode from the Amazon Seller account and attach it to the product.

It is important that the FNSKU barcode is attached correctly to the product to ensure that Amazon can identify the product correctly. The barcode should be attached to a visible part of the product, preferably on the packaging or label of the product.

If a seller makes a change to a product, such as a change in packaging or labeling, they should make sure that the FNSKU barcode is updated to ensure that the product is correctly identified and processed in the Amazon warehouses and during shipping.

What type of barcode is used to encode an FNSKU?

An FNSKU (Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit) barcode is typically encoded using the EAN-13 barcode. The EAN-13 barcode is a 13-digit code consisting of a country code, manufacturer code, and product code. The FNSKU code is created as part of the product code range of the EAN-13 barcode and includes additional information to uniquely identify the product and associate it with the Amazon Fulfillment system.

The FNSKU barcode is applied to each individual product that is stored and shipped by Amazon Fulfillment. The barcode is used to identify the product within the Amazon system and allows Amazon to track the product and manage inventory in the warehouse. When a customer places an order, the barcode is scanned to locate the correct product in the warehouse and prepare it for shipping.

It is important that the FNSKU barcode is attached correctly and is easily readable on the product to ensure that the product is correctly identified and processed by Amazon. If the barcode is faulty or unreadable, it can cause problems with shipping and delivery of the product.